pp108 : Script Editor Toolbar

Script Editor Toolbar

This topic describes the Script Editor Toolbar.

You can display the Script Editor by clicking the Script tab or selecting View Script from the context menu. Alternatively, press F7 or click in the Properties dialog box of a control. The Script Editor pane appears and the cursor is displayed at the first function associated with the control.
The following table lists the buttons available in the Script Editor Toolbar.
Table 1. Buttons in the Script Editor Toolbar


Button Name


Toggle Find Pane

Displays and hides the Find pane.

Find Next

Displays the next occurrence of text that matches the specified search criteria.

Check Syntax

Validates the syntax of the script. Alerts display in case of errors.

Reload script without saving changes

Displays original script without saving any changes made in the Script Editor.


Displays the Script Editor topic of the Application Developer Online Help.

Color Coding

Enables or disables the color coding of syntax keywords.

Note: The Color coding functionality is available in the Internet Explorer browser only.

Note: Color coding functionality is not available in non-IE browsers.

The various fields in the Find pane are listed in the following table.
Table 2. Fields in the Find Pane




Enter the text to search and click to view it.

Replace With

Enter new text and click to replace the text specified as the search criteria in the Find field.

Goto Line

Enter a line number and click to view it.

Related concepts

Script Editor

Related reference

Keyboard Shortcuts